

Podcast alert! Tea with Mama Cash: Sex workers' rights matter

Mama Cash funds groups of women, girls, trans and intersex people - and some of them are sex workers' rights activists. Yet even within feminist circles, the regulation of sex work is a contested topic.

So for this International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers, Mama Cash invited two sex workers' rights activists to join them on the podcast: Velvet December, Advocacy Coordinator for Dutch sex workers' union PROUD, and Vera Rodriguez, Programme Associate at international fund for sex workers' rights activists the Red Umbrella Fund. You also hear from Mama Cash grantee-partners the English Collective of Prostitutes about their current campaign.

"The livelihood of sex workers must not be collateral damage to the dismantling of the patriarchy."

The podcast unpacked about how sex work intersects with capitalism and patriarchy, recent developments in legislation and activism around the world, and why sex workers are calling for decriminalisation (and not the Nordic model). Plus, they share what we can all do to support our local sex workers' rights movement. 

Listen to Tea with Mama Cash on Apple PodcastsSpotifySoundcloud, or Stitcher. If you want to support the podcast, you can rate and review on Apple Podcasts - this helps a lot!